Tempe Wildlife and Animal Removal

Pest Animal Removal Tempe - Wildlife Control

Welcome to Pest Animal Removal Tempe! We are a wildlife removal company servicing Tempe, AZ. While only weighing a few ounces, bats can be some of the most terrifying animals that you will ever encounter. Seeing one of those little flying rats swooping down at you with their sharp teeth can leave even the most courageous man screaming in terror. Now imagine with the problem is inside your home. Where bats have either made a nest inside your attic or have found a way to get inside your living room, bedroom, or basement. You need prompt attention, and this is why we are here to help you. For over a decade we have provided exceptional bad extrication services to this community. We understand that if you may have one bad, you could have dozens or even hundreds living in your home, shed, or in the trees around your house. These animals can be a danger to your own pets, children, or to yourself. Even the waste from these critters poses a health risk to your family. We provide exceptional bat removal services, no matter how big the colony is. We can handle thousands of bats of necessary, so you can be sure we are going to take care of you and do it with great courtesy and efficiency. Bats are only one area where we are experts. Our group of technicians can handle any type of critter problem you have, so if you are facing a problem, call us today. We are ready to assist you. Call us now at 623-250-3271 for your Tempe wildlife control needs.

About Pest Animal Removal Tempe and Our Services:

Same-day or next-day appointments.

Thorough inspection of your property and attic.

Nuisance wildlife trapping and removal.

We repair wildlife damage and prevent re-entry.

We offer attic cleanup and sanitation services.

Specializing in wildlife only - no poisons.

Licensed and insured in Arizona

Poison-free Tempe rodent control - rats and mice.

Experts in Arizona bat removal from buildings.

Raccoon and skunk removal in Tempe

Removal of animals in the attic, like squirrels.

Call now for a free estimate!

Our Service Range

Tempe Wildlife Removal Tip of the Month: Which Foods Do Arizona Bats Eat?

There are almost 1000 different species of Tempe bats found all over the world. You should not be so surprised that they prefer to include different foods in their natural diet. Bats are also adept hunters that allow them to discern even the vague sounds coming from their prey. Despite the fact that they have a striking similarity in terms of appearance, they have created a unique feeding habit.

What Do Bats Eat?

Bats love to eat insects; in fact, they can consume at least 3,000 insects in a single night. While most of the Arizona bats are considered insectivores, there are also others that prefer to eat different kinds of food. Here are some of the foods that belong in the regular diet of the bats.


The microbats will mainly hunt Tempe insects to satisfy their hunger. They will use echolocation in order to find crawling or flying Arizona insects. They will gather their pray through the membranes of their tails or their wings. They will then transfer the insects in their mouth while they are flying. They are extremely adept on hunting their prey. A small bat can consume at least 600 mosquitoes in only one hour.

Small Animals

There are also types of small bats that have a habit of eating lizards, fish, rodents, and frogs. There are others that will attack the small birds. If the bats size is not enough to attack the large rodent, they will prey on the small ones. Remember that bats do not carry too much weight so it is quite impossible to find a small bat that is carrying 10oz of rat.


Some of them are known to suck the blood of their prey. Vampire bats are the type of Arizona bats that feed on the blood of the livestock. However, there are still instances when the humans will be targeted by these species. This is quite rare since only 3 species of the bats actually suck blood. They will create a painless and small incision using their teeth and they will lick on the blood. The saliva of the bat contains an anti-coagulant compound to guarantee that the blood from their prey will continuously flow. 


It is interesting how other bats have adapted on eating fruits, and pollen of the flowers. Fruit bats and megabats have a reputation of eating fruits and flowers. They will carry the fruits using their mouth and will then transfer it to a proper perch. Those that live in the tropical country can eat as much as 3 times of their overall body weight. 

According to the study, there is a relation with regards to the shape of the Tempe bat's skull to their regular diet. For instance, the fruit bats feature a broad and short face that is designed for eating round fruits. There are also others that have narrow and long muzzles that allow them to reach inside the flowers to gather the nectar. Bats may not appear adorable and elegant but they are integral part of earth's ecosystem.